Dairy products make you gain weight or help you lose weight.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dairy products are pretty good for you, but like any food
they have calories. The main issue is that many dairy
products have a fair amount of fat. Choose non-fat or 1% milk
if you drink milk. Most of recipes that call for milk work fine
with either 1% or 2% milk. There are many excellent low-fat
cheeses on the market as well.

I use non-fat yogurt for recipes as well as eating and there is
excellent evidence that yogurt is very good for you. There are
often a lot of added calories in flavored yogurt, so check the
label carefully.

Dairy products have lots of good quality protein as well as calcium.
Most have been fortified with Vitamin D to help your body absorb the
calcium. The low fat dairy products have essentially the same amounts
of protein, vitamins, carbohydrates and calcium as the highfat