Healthy Weight Loss #2

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Start a healthy habit
Setting realistic goals, being more physically active and reducing calories
are essential strategies for successful weight loss. But there are many
other ideas you can use to help you lose weight. The more of these
healthy habits that you include in your everyday lifestyle – the more
successful you will be in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.

Follow the pyramid: Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, low fat
dairy and lean protein should be at the core of your daily meals. Total
daily calories should be about 2,000 for average sized women and 2,500
for men.

Start with breakfast: Studies show that people who are successful at
maintaining a healthy weight start the day with a good breakfast.
A healthy breakfast gives you an energy boost and helps to control
cravings throughout the day.

Don’t skip: Eating regular meals helps keep you from getting hungry.
A missed meal is not a good way to reduce calories. Missing lunch can
lead to overeating at dinner or excess snacking in the afternoon.

Snack smart: Healthy snacks keep hunger in check and prevent
overeating at meal times. Good examples of healthy snacks include
nuts, fresh fruit or vegetables, whole grain pretzels or low fat yogurt.
But keep snacks under 250 calories.

Watch your fats: Ounce for ounce, fat contains more than twice the
calories of protein and carbs, so don’t eat too many high fat foods. Also,
to improve your health replace some of the saturated fat from meats
and cheeses with unsaturated fats from fish, nuts and vegetable oils.

Improve your carbs: You don’t need to eliminate carbs to lose weight,
instead choose them wisely. ‘Nutrient dense’ carbs like whole grains
fruits and vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet and help
you feel full. ‘Empty calorie’ carbs like sweetened beverages or candy
don’t provide nutrients and leave you hungry - so keep the treats to
a minimum.

Don’t go it alone: Working out with a friend or planning healthy meals
with your family can help you to stay on track and motivated to achieve
your weight loss goal.

Don’t deprive yourself: Don’t banish treats from your day. Include
the foods you love in smaller quantities (and a little less frequently) to
keep from feeling deprived.

A healthy lifestyle
To lose weight your main goal should be improved general health –
a new way of living, not a short term diet. Making real, lasting lifestyle
changes is not easy. When setbacks occur, and they will, try to identify
the cause. Be flexible and adjust your everyday routines to get back on

Remember that “thin” isn’t what’s really important. What is important
is reaching a healthy weight that enables you to live an energetic, active
lifestyle while avoiding the health risks that come with being
overweight. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian to help you
determine what the right weight is for you.

The key to lasting weight loss is to find healthy habits that you can live
with. Over time these new habits will add up to sustainable weight loss
and improved health.